Tuesday, November 3, 2009

And all the voices sound just like you...

Photo by: MEEE!!!! :)
I don't know what to say or how to explain this one. Listen to the song " Kicking Your Crosses Down" by Circa Survive and maybe you'll get it. Talk about a band that alters your mind!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Know your enemy, and do nothing about it

Out! Sandy heart
And fade it the light
As a rock will be strong
Until it has been broken
So make amends do you now
Paint a face, paint a brow
But rocks still feel cracks
Jagged and course
Contrasting wind-withered smooth
Earth has done its duty
Life never did soothe
And then the leaves whispered
Through automn's chilly wind
Let's not be so disappointed
Let's not be so cold
But leaves have never felt cracks
Have they?

Written By: Niloo Farahzadeh

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Vital Organ

And eyes fade to black
As do light fades to dark
So did hate
And beating hearts
Come back to life
Like ghosts of another time
Love is still a circle
And life is still a line
Feet dipped in ocean
Vast like the ocean
Fishes bit your toes
Fishes aren't the same
And you thought that love
Was only your game?
Oh, all knowing
Oh, limited mind
And the Universe is yours
King of your time
Then should your so-called perfect eyes
Ever fade to black
Should your children grow up to become
The fishes who bit you
Swimming in your kingdom
Your pint sized puddle
Small like your heart
Their little teeth
That tear you apart:
Your kind of love
Oh, ruler of the land
For your loveless, small minded world
Is slowly fading

Written by Niloo Farahzadeh

Thursday, September 3, 2009

You Are What I Want to Be

So this is a poem that I wrote a few nights ago, still don't know what made me write it. I just felt like it needed to be said:

So this is it
The cards we're dealt
Hold numbers to our destiny
Five roads alive
To breathe a breath
A keyhole made without a key
That shadows this
This door you felt
The solid oak of a splintered tree
Paranoia lies in every voice
You hear defeat in every voice
Luminocity hinders
With every step
Within reach of an old telephone
To reach a cry
And yell for hope
Carefully wired to your every bone
So like a light
Gave up a fight
The human race leaves people behind
And don't you know it
And don't I know it
But you are what I'll forever seek

We are of this
This was the plan
To speak and be heard of; dreams every man
Though be so strong
To interrupt
Because average people are so corrupt
Holds this shadow's voice
And maybe hope
Lies in this line that I once wrote:
You are what I'll forever seek

Friday, August 28, 2009

Be The Change.

It was probably around 4 o'clock when one of my co-workers sent me to re-organize a group of black shirts that were hanging on the east side of the shop. See I work at a pretty well known boutique in town. I applied for the job there about a month ago when I realized I needed some inspiration in my boring life. I also needed some cash. But once I started working, I quickly realized that most of the people I worked with craved small town drama. Especially the manager and the assistant manager. Nothing inspirational about that! I worked with some pretty shallow people. But I guess that's what you get when you work in an expensive clothing store.

Anyways, the task at hand was to spread around a bunch of men's black shirts on the wall (because God forbid you have two black garments displayed on the wall beside each other). As I mounted the step ladder and started picking up some of the shirts and putting them on a nearby rolling rack, I caught my eye on something. An oversized black T shirt with the dullest graphic I'd ever seen: An white outline of a pair of glasses. No flashy glasses either. Just a pair of "Harry Potter" looking lenses. What is the point of this T shirt?, I thought to myself, standing nervously on the step ladder. I swear it was the dullest thing I ever saw. It was so dull , it was actually ugly! There has to be more to this thing! I couldn't fathom why I was so devastated by the boringness of the garment. Maybe it was the 35.99 dollar price tag. In a desperate attempt to find more meaning to the shirt, I turned it around. There on the back of the shirt, in small white letter read the statement: Be the change you want to see...

Wow! Be the change you want to see. For some reason that sentence hit me hard! I stood there for a whole two seconds completely mind raped! That statement completely rocked my world! It wasn't that amazing of a sentence. But Jesus Christ! What a true and powerful thing to say! Right smack-dab on the back of the most pointless looking T shirt! It totally made me stop and think about how important it is to be the full embodiment of the hope and positivity you would like to see in others and in society. At that moment, I felt so liberated! It actually almost brought tears to my eyes! I just had a epiphany in a clothing store! Later on, when I explained to the assistant manager what I had just experienced, she told me that the quote was actually from John Lennon. Which made sense because the glasses on the front of the shirt did look like his glasses, and it seemed like something the genius would say.

What a crazy thing to experience though! That sentence has definately changed the way I act and think. I never dreamed of something like that happening in my workplace. Finally, I had found the inspiration I was looking for! I guess it just goes to show how nothing is as it seems. And that sometimes you need to turn the T shirt around to get the full meaning of it. Oh and also: Being a hypocrite won't help the world be a better place.
Just think about that! :)