Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flume (cover) by Bon Iver

So I'm pretty frickin scared to post this. This is the first video I've ever posted of myself singing ever! I didn't wanna create a youtube account just yet, cuz I'm just not that sure of myself. But honestly I'd thought I'd give it a try and start somewhere. I hope I don't hurt your ears. And please tell me what you think!!! P.s. Don't mind my shirt adjusting in the beginning of the video.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

I Quit...

-caring too much what I look like
-hanging out with people who don't have set life goals
-weed. I kinda realized it could get serious and i didnt need it.
-neon. no more, just no more.
-anything other than comfortable footwear.
-slacking on goals
-being negative
-A&W for more than just special occasions
-T.V. on weekdays
-postponing naps
-craving cigarettes

Monday, September 20, 2010

Beach Baby

I took these when I was on summer vacation in Vancouver Island. Long Beach in Tofino is not very usefull when it's cold. Just my effing luck that the day before it was like plus 40 degrees out and then it was sunny up until when we reach the actual beach! Then all of a sudden the fucking storm clouds of despair start rolling in. I shit you not, the water was freezing and it was June. I do not know how those surfers could bring themselves to swim in it. Maybe they were secretly polar bears in human form, I hear it's the new hybrid. (Don't ask, I'm lame) Whatever, I got to creep them, and I got some sweet pictures. HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Grizzly Bear Cities.

Vancouver in pictures. All taken by me.

Teenage UNdream

Do you ever feel like time is a theif? Like where the fuck did summer go? Where the fuck did that 4 years of high school go? Should I feel accomplished that I'm in grade 12? Because I don't. I feel scared, scared that the rest of every moment I will ever own is gonna just escape through my fingers, so that one day I'll be a 30 year old loser with 6 children thinking about what happened to my life. I don't want that. But I'm still not sure what I want. What I want right now doesn't match up to what I want later in life. And in the meantime, while I'm figuring stuff like this out, time is being stolen from me, and I have no means of buying it back once I do figure everything out. I don't want to have to hurry up!!! But I know I'll have to, because time is a flying fuck in space!!! And all it does is take, take and take, constantly! Until you're dead, until it kills you! Fuck! Whoever said that these were the best days of our lives must've lived in the fucking stone age where all you had to worry about was food and procreating! Fuck!
I'm sooo stressed. right now. I'm not even kidding.

Saturday, September 4, 2010