Friday, November 11, 2011

Why do I still have Lamb of God on my iTunes?... Oh, yeah. That's why.

So it's reading week and I'm in my dorm room.
The reason being is that I live to far away to actually go home.
But I cannot wait to go home for Christmas so I can finally see my friends and family/dog/real bed.
(mostly the real bed)
So I'm gonna stick it out until Christmas break. I miss my old friends so much that I could cry (it's probably not helping that I'm listening to You and Me by Lifehouse (such a bad song but sooo good at the same time))
So far my reading break is going by just swimmingly. I'm determined to keep busy with the following agenda:
1.Finish research on my finally essay for Medieval studies (why did I choose the topic of Druids? WHY OH WHY???)
2.Finish reading two books for various courses.
3.Start my English Essay.
4.Stretch my ears to double zero, after almost a year at zero. (Suck it mom. It's MY body)
5.Take photos on my film camera.
6.Fuck around on campus.
7.Fuck around off campus.
8.Try not to eat too much junk food (and failing completely)

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