Sunday, November 28, 2010

All my love was down, in a frozen ground.

Some of my favorite photographs I took from Mr. Laychuck's Liard Trip.
All pictures I am not in are taken by Me.

Liard Hotsprings: The ultimate bonding experience. These photos are from the beginning of October I think. When at night I would freeze in my sleeping bag while Caitlin slept soundly in hers cuz she was in the middle -__-. It was alright though cuz the warm water of the hotsprings made up for it. We'd go there from morning till night, we'd walk back a mile through the boardwalk with wet hair and stay up all night by the campfire trying to concerve some warmth before we headed off to a freezing tent. I spent a whole weekend not wearing makeup in public. Something I recommend for every girl to do once in their lifetime. That said, I'm never doing that again! Then the last day I got a fat lip cuz a mosquito decided to bite me on the lip. Just peachy :) Anyway I'd like to thank Mr. Laychuck for that awesome weekend I will never forget. I made some a bunch of new friends and bonded with my old ones. And HELLZ YEAH I'll be going on the Spring Trip! Maybe next time I'll bring a warmer sleeping bag, and some bug spray.

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