Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hey girl. MAGENTA!!

Despite the initial response: Awwwweeee! I can't help but notice how conceited John Mayer sounds. Well not gonna lie John Mayer IS really into himself. He makes really good music and he's really talented but the fact that he thinks he's God's gift to earth is really off-putting. But we're not gonna get into that are we? We're gonna talk about how this quote is really effing true for me (although I'm not too sure about being a 64-colour box, but I hope I am). Lately I cannot find guys that think like me, or appreciate how I think. Does that make sense? I hope so. Maybe it's because I'm still in highschool and I have to wait 'till College to find people who share the same interests as me. I mean there are probably alot of you smart/sexy/hot crayons out there. But you're so hard to find.

That is all :)

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