Sunday, October 10, 2010

Ode To Some Impoverished European Girl's Hair.

Hair extensions. I don't know how I feel about you. You make my hair look so beautiful and volumized and long and mermaid-like. But I wish you were my actual hair, because you tug on my head, you're a hassle to put on and your itchyness compares to wearing a course wool sweater with no undershirt. When I wear you, I don't know if I feel super confident or super fake. I always catch people staring, but I don't know if it's because I look fuckable or if it's because the weft in my hair is showing or if my extensions aren't blending properly. People already know my hair is short, so they know when I'm wearing extensions, cuz you bitches are super long. I dunno I feel like a fake. But fakely fucking hot. So I guess that's cool too. Or not. I don't know. I'll promise you this though, I will wear you for grad pictures and prom, cuz I'm definately going for the "she was pretty in highschool" look. You know, just in case I grow up to look like an elephant. This is a promise I will keep!

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