Saturday, July 30, 2011

Forever Young.

All the young, all the young
Die so fast.
The cord is cut
You hit the ground
And you run hard against the blast.
All the young, oh the young
Die so fast.
Every fresh breath
Leaves us closer to our last.
And if destiny doesn't choose
All the young, someone young
To pluck from their hopeful path
From their mother's arms
Their destiny only merely begun;
The rest slowly die
Caving inwardly
From the burden of loss,
Youth evanesce from their eyes
Innocence inching towards sacrifice
And that's when youth truly dies.

Written by: Niloo Farahzadeh

There are so many young people that have lost their lives in my town this past year.
I'd give anything to bring them back. Even if I didn't know them all very well.
I cannot even begin to fathom what my friends that were close with these people are feeling.
This poem is dedicated to those who aren't with us anymore, and to their friends and families.
Hope the youth never fades from your eyes.

Thursday, July 28, 2011


So I realize I only blog when I'm depressed. But when I'm happy I'm out being happy.
Lately I've become a self consious introvert. (That means I hate myself).
I have this crazy paranoia (I've always had this paranoia, but lately its become worse) that everybody's trying to avoid me because they secretly hate me. And by everybody, I mean my friends.
But I seriously think they just think I'm annoying. Or whatever.
Also I've been having body issues. Don't ask. I just need to look like I'm 14 again.
Why can't I just like myself. I mean, I love myself (to an extent, im sure) but I do not like myself.
But here we go again: me, myself and I.
Introverted bullshit.
Plus I'm having a shitty ass summer. It's treatin' like a real cheap cunt.
(Sorry. (Actually, no, shove it. It's my blog I can say whatever I want.))
My jobs okay I guess. I get to look at a lot of hot guys. KEY word: "Look".
But other than that nothing's really happening.
I think I need to go shopping.
(Woah wait, that probably won't solve anything!
See that? That's probably the lovechild consumerism has concocted in my brain.
Materialistic endeavors can't solve your personal problems kids!)
But anyway, I hope August turns out to be good, at least better than July.
If not I get to piss off to Victoria in the fall and make a new life for myself.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Sometimes I can hear my bones straining under the weight of all the lives I'm not living.

Think Robot.

The heat of someone lying next to you
Should definately be overrated.
I don't think I want that.
I can generated my own heat,
Watching someone sleep
Is kinda wierd
If you think about it.
What's being gained in this experience?
Aside from a significantly higher reading
On the creeper scale.
I shouldn't like being held.
I have my own spine.
It was a nice thought
But my bones work fine.
And to be kissed would be colossally crazy.
It reveals nothing lovely.
And presents only the evidence
Of what you had
For dinner.
To be dear to someone
To be loved
To be liked
Or even admired
Are all too much for me,
Too itchy in their approach
Uncomfortable for my disposition.
I am not a lover
I don't have to have passion
I don't have to be a human
I can tell my heart to ration.

Written by: Niloo Farahzadeh

Thursday, July 21, 2011

I've been awake through times and lines
To reach through the dirt.
This hurt is what makes me fly again.
I try and I won't die 'till the end.
I'll chew what you give me,
Spit it out of my mouth,
Back to you, you who hate me
Who maimed me, who lamed me.
You who walked all over me smiling,
Laughed at me and slapped me.
It is you who thinks my skin won't win
That my heart won't beat
Until the end.
Though I believe and I'll create
Much more than you give me.
I can twist your lies
And create with them unfathomable meaning,
Beaming and gleaming.
Your hate won't become my fate.
I'll only stick it to the ceiling
To remind me
Of these trials and tribulations
That will always follow me,
'Till my heart stops beating,
'Till my soul is screaming.
You can't stop me.

Written by: Niloo Farahzadeh

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011