Saturday, April 9, 2011

Materialism at its finest

This is a list of shit that will make me very happy if I aquire.
My happiness is not directly linked to these things but these items may render me to become prone to contentment. At least for a short while.

1. First up on the list is the book "Looking for Alaska" by John Green. I've wanted to read this for a while now, I've just never gotten around to actually buying it. But whenever I think of it I get this deep desire to read it.
2. Second, is this perfume right here. I got a sample size of it from Sears and I'm pretty I use it everyday and it's going to run out. I think it smells like how I feel, or maybe how I want to feel, or be... or whatever.

3. So the whole reason I agreed to go to Vancouver in spring break was because of this dress. I swear to you that I went into every single American Apparel store in that whole city and every single one of them had "run out". My trip to Vancouver was in vain and now I have to order this off the internet.

4. Another item I was meant to pick up in Vancouver but (to my stupidity) didn't, was a pair of Toms shoes. I saw these everywhere and came dangerously close to trying a pair on. But because I was feeling cheap that day I didn't. Big mistake. BIG MISTAKE.

5. I just want shorts like this, because I bought a few crop tops that would look cool with these. I also need new shorts for the summer.

6. I need a new pair of moccasins. Luckily I have a friend whose grandma makes them and he promised he'd get her to make a pair for me. I'm stoked.

7. Is it wierd that I have records but no record player? That was a rhetorical question. Yah, yah it is.

8. Can someone please tell me where I can find a bikini like this? I've looked in every store and everywhere on the internet!

9. This is hopefully going to be happening to my hair next month. Or else I will shit a chicken.

10. More of these pleeaase!

11. Ahhhh a lensbaby camera lens. It's cheap and it creates the coolest effect. It's a good thing you can't see me drooling on the keyboard.

12. I'm pretty sure one can never have too many dream catchers.

If I somehow acquire all these things, I will be a VERY happy camper!

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