Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years means nothing!

It really doesn't.
It only changes a number, it also gives people an excuse to go out and have fun for like, one night.
Resolutions? They're a bullshit concept and you KNOW that! We just make them but NEVER follow through and they never happen. But we still keep making resolutions every single friggin year.
And the whole crap about "Oh, I hope 2011 turns out to be an amazing year! I hope it's even BETTER than 2010!" shit? That's BULL too! Shit is gonna happen anyway whether the two last digits of a date have changed or not. If 2010 was a horrible year for you, then what makes you think that once the date changes to 2011 your life is going to miraculously change for the better?! THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A MIRACLE! If you want something to change in your life, you go out and change it yourself. TAKE ACTION! New Years is not going to wipe your slate clean for you! Okay? That's your job and your responsibility!
So for this new year, I will not be making any resolutions. I don't even want to hear about them!
My plan has always been the same, and it's not going to change now. I do hope that 2011 will be good, but I also hope the rest of my whole entire life will be good too! And I expect challenges and hardships and all that nasty shit too! I'm not expecting 2011 to change my life. I don't want it to! I won't have any fucking credit left for myself!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Please, SPARE ME! (pt. 2)

1. Wearing 3D glasses will NOT make you a hipster.
2. Listen guys, stop talking about your dick. BIG turn off. Capiche?
3. Please just fucking call it a thrift store! If I hear the "V" word one more time, you will not live to see another overpriced clothing swap again.
4. Dear adults, I've tried to see it your way, but I had trouble sticking my head that far up my own ass.
5. Regarding status updates: If they aren't funny, no one cares.
6. Conversation is the key to a girl's heart (and other parts). If you're not willing to work for it, then call an escort service.
7. You know what, why don't we all learn how to hold meaningfull conversations with one another. Believe it or not there are more things to talk about other than people and the clothes you fucking bought at that vintage store. Fuck there's the "V" word again. Excuse me while I go off myself -__-.
8. It's called a sense of humour. You should get one. They're nice.
9.Watching gossip girl will make you feel depressed about your life. Compared to the people on the show you are dirt poor, your life is a spiralling hole of nothingness and you will never be as pretty/skinny/stylish as Serena Vanderwoodson. Turn off the TV.
10. Stop going to Tim Ho's everyday!!!! First of all: coffee is liquid CRACK! And you know what? You're fucking addicted to it my friend! And that's what ol' Timmy wants you to be, addicted so you keep buying coffee from them, so that they keep raking in the dough!!! Second of all, if you have to drink coffee everyday BUY A FUCKING CAPUCCINO/LATTE/COFFEE/ESPRESSO MACHINE! Because it honestly saddens me when I see your sorry ass stuck in the ginormous drivethrough lineup at 8:30 in the morning.
11. Picture of you and your boyfriend licking each other: what I hope to see in my dashboard when I log onto facebook. No, Not really.
12.What's wrong with just being you, dude..?