Saturday, December 11, 2010

Ode to the perfect Native-American creation in footwear.

Ode to thine moccasins:
You are just amazing. Poetic, really. The way you gently surround my feet in a warm cocoon. Rain or shine, you are still there to support me through every step I take. Snow? You say bring it on! Hot summer day? You can take it. And not to mention that you effortlessly harmonize with any outfit I decide to wear. Jeans/T-shirt casual? Floral dress/leather jacket hip? There is no difference for you. Universally accenting any outfit. You're like Madonna, just not old and wrinkly and trying to be something your not. (Ps thanks for not trying to have an English accent and thanks for not dating my so-much-younger-than-you-that-he-could-be-your-son boyfriend). I feel like in a world where you cannot rely on anything or anyone, in a world where everything changes, you are something that I can always count on. Whether it's finding the right shoe for the perfect Pocahantas-inspired outfit, or just the comfiest shoe to drive the car in, you are always waiting faithfully by the door, begging my attention, fitting my criteria. I'm so happy I found you. And I wouldn't trade you for anything in the world. Don't ever change! Stay Gold... Ponyboy.
 Sincerely, Niloo.

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