Sunday, March 27, 2011

Feelin' lit, feelin' light, 2am summer night.

You'll dance to anything.

You know when you're at a party and there's music on and it's horrible music you would never listen to?
Yah you know when that happens?
Well, chances are you're probably dancing to it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fuck Bitches, Get Money

Random thoughts at the moment, go!:

1. So when I heard that Rihanna has a new song called California King Bed, I was all: Get on that shit Niloofar, the title sounds good! So I checked it out, and I'm disappointed. With a name like California King Bed the song was an empty promise.

2. Guys that are dressed in the hipster style seem really attractive, even if their not. And by being not attractive I mean, if you consider only their face without the distraction of good style and and awesome hair, you see that you wouldn't actually normally be attracted to this guy. ILLUSIONS! wooooooooo!

3. I had a dream about weed last night. After seven months of not smoking it (quitting, I guess you could call it), I actually had a dream about smoking it. I think this means that I would probably smoke it again. I don't know if I should be worried or not.

4. I think I'd only do weed in the summer, now that I think about it.

5. I better frickin get into UVic. Or else my life will become a spiralling black abyss.

6. If I have to community college I'd probably hate myself for the rest of my life.

7. My parents are gonna kill me when they find out I have absolutely $0.00 in my bank account.

8. After tomorrow I will work out every fucking day if I have to. I wanna lose this spare tire before going to Vancouver so when I try on that velvet American Apparel dress I will not look like a cheap hooker.

9. I have gone through four big packs of Mike and Ikes in the past four days. Wooohoo Spring Break 2011!

10. Oh yeah, I have to read Paradise Lost. I'm obviously putting it off because the idea is just too appealing to me! It looks like such a page turning read. Good golly am I ever exited to start broadening my spectrum of the original sin in 288 pages of narrative poetry. Kill me.

11. I should start making a resume.

12. I wish I had someone to text in the middle of the night and ask if they could come over and engage in quasi-sexual activities with. A bootycall if you will.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Doing Laundry

I have more plaid where this came from.

It's all about the Benjamens, babay.

There's not much you can do without money. I'm so broke it's not even funny.
All I can do lately is stay at home and mooch off of my parents.
I will probably have to get a job. But that will mean MORE stress. Great. Because that's what I need.
And I'm not usually a happy employee. I'm not really a working gal. Well so far I haven't been.
But if I could have any job I would want a job where I could sort papers. I'm pretty good at that. I could catalog and place in alphabetic order, anything that doesn't have to deal with people but inanimate objects. Cuz I'm so terribly awkward around people, customer service is not one of my strong suits.
Maybe I could do some painting and sell them, but I need money to buy canvas'.
Maybe I could hook.
I need money, fast!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


The last two weekends.